Brereton Family
Gabriel Stokes
Searching Sandfords in Tuam
Patrick Beech Sandford  Lysters
Other Sandford, Sanford families     Sandford Family ONLY pages    Where is the portrait of Theophilus Sandford?
Henry Sandford at No1 Royal Crescent, Bath     Dr Samuel Johnson's Armchair     Map of Sandford Families

Sandford Genealogical Quilt
Sandford Genealogical Quilt
Rev. William Sandford
Susan MaryLyster (1820-1901)
Rev. John Ford
Eliza Hackett (1818-1857)
Dr.William Webb
Mary Tudor Dawes
James Bishop Hounsham (1820-1869)
Emma Catherine Price
Rev. Charles David Brereton (1790-1868)
Frances Wilson (1796-1890)
Rev.William Martin
Jane Champer-nowne (1807-1892)
Josiah Stokes (1803-1880)
Emma Mary Serjeantson (1805-1861)
Joseph Coates
Mary Ann Howells (1814-1893)
Rev. William Wingfield Sandford (1845-1929)
Bertha Caroline Ford
Dr. William Henry Webb (1852-1911)
Florence Phoebe Hounsham (1848-1895)
Rev. Joseph Lloyd Brereton (1822-1901)
Frances Martin
John Whitley Stokes
Mary Beach Coates
Rev. John Hamilton Sandford (1876-1963)
Florence Marjorie Tudor Webb (1889-1961)
Rev. Philip Harington Lloyd Brereton (1877-1960)
Mary Eileen Stokes (1885-1967)
Capt. John William George Sandford (1916-2001)
Ciceley Eileen Brereton (1915-1998)
Michael Sandford (1942- ), Angela (Bennett) (1945- ), John Sandford (1953- )

Updated 22 Feb 2015. For further information about these families contact:

Bennett-Sandford: Seasonal Gardening in a small garden

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